05 February 2005
SoMtInG HaD HaPpEnEd dUrInG BaNd pRaCtIcE
damn... i dunno wad to say man...something has happened just now when band Practise.... i hate when cheerleading clashing tym wif us...btw we used the hall first....and the cheerleader come later...i dunno y Mrs Shama wanted to us to share the Hall wif the cheerleader...probally it will distract the band...it really does...we cannot play our piece when they turn the damn music up...For the first tyme they turn on the bloody songwe can endure... but when on for the second tyme we cannot endure...for their sake we moved to the damn Parade Square...i was so fustrated... when Mr Goh asked us to leave...i leave immediately (of course bring my music stand, file and my horn)...well i just confess my feeling in this Blog....okay i just wanna say that my life in skool sux on this day :-5TH FEBUARY 2005 --> I will remember tis date
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